terça-feira, 19 de março de 2013
Where energy and movement are the key players and not force and inertia.
And the mass shall have no function in this system because mass reflects the weight and inertia, rest and uniform rectilinear motion.
Graceli already in the system there is no uniformity, home, and nor straightness, nor inertia and mass and weight.
For we see that in different situations gases are repelled while solid and liquid are attracted.
And as has been seen in the phenomenal relativistic mechanical system graceli see that what we have is not a body mass but matter and energy. For we see that uranium has thousands of times the energy of the same amount of iron and has the same weight.
That is, depends on the property that has and development, and the phenomenal potential that developed during the process. [See graceli theory of phenomenal potential, and alquimifísica graceli].
That is, the energy of uranium can lift heavy weights, as iron does. With the same amount of substance.
Principle of progression of effect by the action of energy.
And another point is that this difference is geometrically progressive because it increases as the amount of uranium effect is progressively more devastating.
Law variability and relativity phenomenal, alquimifísica and chemical and mechanical properties of the elements.
However, the iron has other properties of different materials and other elements such as hydrogen, mercury, timber and plastics, where electrons have different effects and behaviors.
Graceli integralizante system of mutual and reciprocal action.
Thus we have a system with graceli mutual and reciprocal action where some act on others and everyone has action, and are agents and objects.
Where energy acts on the matter, where the nature and properties of matter acts on the energy and movement and energy resources, energy resources act on all, and the movement itself becomes an agent of transformation and change in the movement itself.
System Mechanic graceli, alquimifísica, chemical action mutual and reciprocal.
Where the material acts with their properties, qualities and quantities, energy properties with types and intensities, the energy and environment field uno graceli and movement, and the movement with its action in transformative processes of media, energy and matter - where movement also becomes a means energy [seen this production of electricity].
Graceli dual system [dense space and magneto graceli] for system graceli quadrial [energy, matter, media and movements].
But all this has its origin from the two key elements graceli - magneto graceli [which produces the energy field and one graceli, movements and means].
And the dense space that produces structures and materials.
This reciprocity and mutuality of actions lead to a flow of energy production, movement, media and energy fields, and movements as agent and as a phenomenon, so we entered a indeterminalidade relativity and actions about actions and physical instability, and unpredictability and cosmic.
Energeticofenomenalidade graceli mechanics.
Thus we have the mechanics graceli based on:
Energy, matter, means, and means motion as agent, and fenomenalidades - physical, alquimifísica graceli and phenomenality.
Ie, as the phenomena and their density and intensity have displacements within matter, space, and energy within or wrapped [periphery of fields and thermal variations at high intensities].
An electron is bounced phenomenality as-is and acts on it.
A gas molecule vibrates and oscillates as the pressure where it is and act on it [action phenomenality].
An electron vibrates as the temperature acting on it [action phenomenality].
The production of isotopes decays, fusions, fissions, and new chemical elements occur as phenomenality that is.
In phenomenality see that the gases that rise into the atmosphere are kept there until they were further processed for liquid or solid. That is, we have the universe of one graceli field, nature of matter and layers graceli.
The layers not only maintains but also to a certain distance in each layer is a characteristic type and intensity of movement.
In the layers we see that movements [rotational, translational] tend to plans by the action of magnetic tracks graceli, and plans occur and the bamboleios flows and stability.
And even within the atom the electrons vibrate and oscillate ricocheteam as system power, or drawn by layers of waves higher energies, one field graceli graceli and phenomenality. Where do we move beyond the new particles and is likely to lead to new isotopes and elements decays and transposition graceli barrier graceli.
This fact justifies a phase position of the bands and graceli layers and stages of matter and the universe. That is, a phenomenal graceli relativistic system.
And we also have the positional phenomenality graceli leading to another relativity.
Where as the position, against the front or rear, side or in the center, upon returning after an immense amount of energy we have different variations in movements.
As the comet that Jupiter is in or on the way back. And either in the center or on the sides of a rotational plane. E or orbital. Or even that goes straight into the sun.
Or even when Jupiter is closest to Saturn when the front without increasing their translational and rotational speed, and then returning to normal.
When a comet's perihelion returns back more activated in your field production and internal temperature.
If the movement is a means and acts on the production of electricity, so we can have two conclusions. A means to delay the movement, and movement as a means to produce more and different energies.
That is, we have a parallel between energy - motion - and a half.
A system where the middle fenomenicoenergético energy and its phenomenality acts on the structure of matter, energy, phenomena, media and movements. Well, we already saw that Jupiter passes Saturn is always front and then accelerated again be delayed. That is, in this example we have two phenomena: a field of action that is more push than pull, and other dense space that acts by slowing the movement. Namely, with this motion is not uniform and inaction, or the stars are constantly being accelerated by the energy of own system and star, and are constantly delayed. That is, it is a fight action. A further accelerating and retarding. That is, what we have is an unstable system and mechanical actions, so there is no uniform motion and inertia, and not absolute moment.
This is confirmed when a medium heat vibratory movements of the electrons are accelerated more.
A pressure medium gases oscillate more.
The internal and external field one of a particle tends to increase its share.
The ricocheteamentos electrons enter a higher constancy.
The rotational movement of metals near magnetism produces electricity.
Depending on the position near magnets may occur attractions or repulsions.
Electrons and atoms disintegrate and turn into smaller particles at high temperatures.
Uranium at high temperatures produces and releases large amounts of energy and becomes the element thorium.
That is, before a system of inertia, forces, mass.
Graceli brings us another reality that is the reality of energeticidade and phenomenality, as well as the nature and potential of materials, or even the way in which these materials develop and produce new elements.
In an integrated system between graceli potential, paths developed, phenomenality, and energeticidade have a system where energy, and new types and categories of matter are formed. As well as the movement was a product effect and becomes a producer and also causing phenomena and energies, as well as new moves.
That is, a system of integrated graceli general relations of cause and effect, which is causing a situation where the other becomes due. That is, a relativism.
That is, the particular condition produces energy in the movement in other condition the motion is one of the agents of new energies.
That is, a gas molecule is oscillating nature, electrons vibrate and bounce to other layers as the intensity and type of energy, one graceli field and temperature where it is.
Magnetism turn into electricity and movements, even during the production process [phenomenality and energy] electricity. Where the movement in this process is replaced by active function. That is, it is causing.
In alquimifísica transformation and new chemical elements and isotopes decays movement is part of all active processes. Well, would not produce the changes.
That is, the movement itself is part of the nature of all processes. That is, is causing and caused. That is, autonatural and autodinâmico.
Thus, the movement is divided into categories, ie not the same, he has potential and valuation different for different situations [ie, it is relative in their assessment of classification that varies depending on the conditions and potential that lies.
That is, it is caused when a power system is one.
When in isotope production and decay is another.
When the production of electricity becomes active and a half.
That is, the reality in all its forms is movement, because the movement did not exist we would not have to mark time.
Mechanics and relative integralizatória graceli.
That is, we have a system graceli of relativity and comprehensiveness of phenomenality and energeticidade for a new mechanic.
Comprehensiveness is the relationship of active and passive action then moves stocks, where the active becomes passive, passive and the active.
Relativity graceli integralizatória.
Thus we have a true motion is not inertial, for forces and masses, not maintains a uniformity rating and the same thing for different conditions.
What about the field and one graceli action and planning phases through layers of different densities and valuation for positions and amount and effects for different points and different places, so we have a phenomenal relativity graceli integralizatória.
Thus, the move follows graceli relativity of being and not being natural, and arise from the very nature of potential to be in a situation and condition one thing and another phenomenon in another situation.
Where the very condition of being phenomenal phenomenon of movement and energy and be and produce motion. Ie particles with immense amount of energy to produce large movements and displacements of means.
Relativity mechanical graceli.
Thus, the nature of the movement follows a relativity be something a natural condition and situation, and be one in another situation and condition. Where it can be somewhat unstable or very unstable, vibrating or oscillating. Causing or caused.
That is, the very nature of the movement is to be varied and types and categories varied and changeable.
The same occurs with relativity graceli alquimifísica nature and chemistry of the elements, their transformations and new structuring and transformation capabilities and new capability and implementation of barrier graceli.
indeterminism relativistic energy graceli phenomenal.
Imagine an electron vibrating in all directions and with different speeds and shapes and varied. Gases oscillating in all directions and forms with different and varying speeds. And that depends on the energy, pressure and phenomenal nature. With this we have a phenomenal energy indeterminism, not obeying a physical straightness and uniformity.
And so, the movement presents itself in various forms, types and variations categories.
That is, we have a relativity of forms and types of movements and variability.
And a motion indeterminalidade.
That is, we have a phenomenal relativity indeterministic energy to a mechanical. And a Automecanica Graceli.
That is, there are several types of movements and also for being indeterminate.
That is, a movement remains without external forces, as energy itself keeps on its route.
And this route or flow if vibrations are variable, and certain forms without acceleration and without certain flows. That is, any acceleration may be any stream and any shape and variation.
Thus we have the relativistic energy indeterminism graceli phenomenal.
And that does not follow a system of inertia, forces, masses, and gravity. And equivalence inertia - gravity as advocates general relativity.
We see the action of the magnetic tracks graceli equinox, when the sun passes from one tropic to another. For this passage in Brazil begins an intense thunderstorm. What is known as the day of St. Joseph
Postulates graceli.
Thus, the system graceli movement can be produced by external agents.
However, part of the nature of energy and matter. That is, the nature of a photon of light is to keep moving. The same happens with particles and radiation in space, and even electrons being accelerated ricocheteados and in its essence of being and be in motion, or being pulled and layers of higher energies within atoms. Since these natural movements are not uniform and unstable desformalizantes.
That is, the movement of multiple types and are essential or are relative in nature, and undetermined in their shape and acceleration that will develop.
The graceli with this movement breaks the absolutism of the movement, but also its unique character inertial. Well, it happens to be multiple, variable and uncertain.
The energy within matter itself, the body and keeps the system moving. This movement being uneven, desmorfolizante.
For the system graceli atomoastrocósmico movement, this in turn is divided into layers and is what causes atmospheric gases is maintained within a certain distance. And closest gas tends to rise and turn into liquid or solid tends to decline.
That is, we have two realities to the movement: one is the movement both within layers of matter in space as [therefore, the space becomes a means of power and not empty or forces].
And that is divided into several layers and actions.
And the action of the field one graceli mutuality in a relationship with the nature of matter and energy, where bodies may be attracted, repelled, and or even translated.
And graceli tracks and layers of strips graceli energy, where plans, stabilizes to a center of scheduler energy.
Another point is the actions of placements, where you can have a deformation and deceleration of movements, such as the meetings front, sides, center, behind return after undergoing major planets and stars. Or even way before reaching the meeting point with other stars [these phenomena are common in comets]. Or even where returns perihelia comets return with greater activation energy than when they entered.
Another point is the ricocheteamentos and desmorofolizações orbits and tails that occur in comets, and variations in electrons and photons inside the atom.
That is, we have a system graceli relativistic and fenomenalidades graceli with several productions and feature for the movement.
And this is proved in the experiment, because we have different conditions and movements to different realities.
Ie realities of different moves, not the action of forces, but energy. And uneven shares of energy in space. therefore follows a phenomenality graceli leading to relativity and indeterminalidade.
That is, it hurts and challenges the laws of Kepler areas, the law of gravity and motion of Newton and Einstein.
And we see that the system graceli ¨ to over forty dimensions graceli ¨ which is fenomenodimensionalidade graceli as follows fenomenometria also other parameters, which are phenomenal in response to the dimensions of space and time.
Graceli divides its dimensions into categories [see internet: graceli dimensional categories.
Graceli develops the geometry of the desmorfolização phenomenality, and geometry is not caused and causes. And the geometry parameter graceli does not follow a straight or curved shapes or angles or areas.
But the phenomena of motion and instant and exponential forms.
And the dimensions are not graceli four of space and time. But the phenomenal, ¨ or better for more than forty graceli ¨ phenomenal dimensions.
Graceli makes several divisions for different types for movement.
As the movement for its own energy because the particle energy propels forward as each second the amount of processing power.
Since this energy is also expelled out that is where we have the rotations [spin] particle.
And this being thrust on all sides have rotations unstable and indeterminate.
And being thrust on all sides of streams have vibrations, oscillations and movements in all directions. This is common in the gases.
And there is the effect of interactions where the medium acts on the movement of the particle. And the movement itself modifies the environment and produces other movements and other physical realities and alquimfísicas as the production of electricity.
That is, what we have is the indeterminalidade graceli shapes and accelerations.
And a relativity graceli variations and types of movements.
That is, the system does not defend graceli force, inertia, mass, or even centripetal action of gravity in producing movements of stars.
Theory relatvidade phenomenal and conditionality graceli.
The movement is not the same conditions for positioning sides, coming from behind and comes ahead of [front] is not the same as the return trip or energy for a system as in the case of onward or return perihelia, or as pass or return of another star with more energy.
That is, the movement is not one, but of types and variations and different valuation.
The motion transforming a alquimifísica is another type of movement.
In one type of medium through which the energy transforms the body during the journey is another type of movement.
Or even if along the way the body is energized with intense transformation producing more movement on it than normal.
Or even the movement as an agent in processing and producing new movements. As in the case of electricity production.
Or movement resting potential, namely the uranium itself contains a large amount of energy that can be transformed into motion as the conditions under which passes. And it can be a means of movement and energy and agent to lift and move other bodies.
Thus we have a conditionality graceli a physical movement.
We also see that does not follow a uniform distance relative to that achieved during the course agent relative to that produced motion. That is, is not uniform.
And it follows a system of forces and masses.
But energy and phenomenality and positionality.
And neither of inertia and mass. And neither of centripetal forces [to the center].
And in this case we see that not every action causes a reaction equal and opposite uniform.
For, as the action and positioning, energy and phenomenality have different reactions and different phenomena.
Ie when hitting the front, back, sides, center of the tracks graceli, and as the energy of a star, and as a return or round, or at the meeting of convexibilidade energy in space.
Or as vai producing energy in space tends to have mixed reactions.
Or even the potential energy at rest chemical elements like uranium that moves large bodies without suffering any reaction of equal value and intensity that produced in other bodies and phenomena.
Or even in the case where the movement enters as a means of action to produce new energy and new movements from that production. As in the case of electricity production.
Laws graceli.
That is, it breaks the law of action and reaction.
And if the movement is by nature condicionativo and relative, and phenomenal energy that breaks the law of inertia forces and Newton. And the two contests relativities of Einstein.
And if the energy produced on the body motion in all directions, just the nature of the movement is not to be rectilinear and uniform nor constant, and there is no absolute space and absolute motion.
And breaks the law in the areas of Kepler, as we see in comets depends graceli conditionality, ie, a comet that has transformed their orbits long to short, short to long, from large to small eccentricities and inclinations.
So we have another different reality: that is the desmorfolização, the uneven, twisting the continued flow or kinking of stretches and shortenings, or even concave inclined orbits.
And that turn of ellipses hyperbolas, ellipses and hyperbolas in.
Or normal retrograde continued.
That is, we have thus the law to graceli areas.
As astros situations and conditions tend to sweep different areas in equal times.
Law una graceli.
Thus, the movement system is graceli inherent component of matter and energy and phenomenality, or part thereof. And all motion tends to instability, or instability is the nature of the movement.
There is no electron movement nor a phenomenon without movement.
And this movement follows its instability as changes occur in energy and energy intensities.
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